Discover the untouched beauty of the steppe with Steppewildlifetour. "Once a year, go someplace you've never been before." - Dalai Lama
Explore the Untouched Wilderness


Bird watching while doing Pallas's cat trip
We recorded 208 birds belonging to 44 families and 18 orders in Khalzan Soum, Sukhbaatar Province. The area is one of the stop-over sites of migratory birds through the Eastern Steppe. Few species of birds live permanently in the dry steppe zone. Among the most commonly observed birds are Saker falcon, upland buzzard, hen harrier, Japanese sparrowhawk, common kestrel, eagle owl, little owl, Pallas's sandgrous, Mongolian lark horned lark, weathers in summer, pere David's snowfinch in winter. In migratory season you can observe Demoiselle crane, oriental plover, ruddy turnstone, Mongolian gull, Eurasian collared-dove, isabelline shrike, red-throated thrush, Siberian Rubythroat common stonechat and etc.
Location: 570 km from Ulaanbaatar to East
Mountain Bird watching while doing snow leopard trip
The snow leopard watching area is Altai mountain, located in the Khovd Province. In the mountain The mountain rises above Khar-Us Nuur (lake), in Khar-Us Nuur National Park. We recorded an impressive list of birds including many mountain and watering specialties such as Altai Snowcock, Mandarin Duck, Swan Goose, Relict Gull, Upland Buzzard, Steppe Eagle, Japanese Sparrowhawk, Saker Falcon, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Japanese Quail, Pale Martin, Azure Tit, Güldenstädt’s Redstart, White-crowned Penduline Tit, Chinese Bush Warbler, Mongolian Ground Jay, Azure-winged Magpie, Daurian Jackdaw, Pied Wheatear, Pere David’s Snowfinch, Mongolian Lark, Brown Accentor, Kozlov’s Accentor in the various of habitat types.
Location: over 1200 km from Ulaanbaatar to west

3-5 days
Black-billed Capercaillie watching tour
Black-billed Capercaillie is a large bird, inhabitant of northern forests of Mongolia, Russian Taiga and north China. During the breeding season (mid-April to May) the males display in the early morning, coming from their resting trees.
Location: 150 km from Ulaanbaatar to east

1-2 days
Hustai National Park wildlife watching
The HNP covers 506 km2 (195 sq mi) land which is home to 44 species of mammals have been recorded, including reintroduced Przewalskii horse, Altai wapiti, Mongolian gazelle, roe deer, wild boar, wild sheep, ibex, Mongolian marmots, grey wolf, Eurasian lynx, red fox, corsac fox and Eurasian badger. The 217 species of birds include golden eagle, lammergeier, great bustard, whooper swan, black stork, Daurian partridge and little owl.
Location: 100 km from Ulaanbaatar to west

1-3 days
Argali sheep watching trip
The name 'argali' is the Mongolian word for wild sheep. It is the largest species of wild sheep. The number of argali has declined over the last century and the species is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. In the steppe zone, the argali sheep spread from higher elevation mountain areas to undulating but rugged surface terrain with a lack of tall vegetation. We organize trips to different areas depending on year detection.
Location: 100km, 570, 780 km from Ulaanbaatar to east

5-7 days
Wildlife watching in wild desert of Mongolia
The Gobi Desert is a vast, arid region in southern Mongolia. It's known for its dunes, mountains and rare animals such as wild ass and Bactrian camels. Moreover, there are several species of rare small mammals such as long-eared jerboa, five-toed pygmy jerboa, gobi jerboa, great gerbil, and etc.
Location: over 1500km from Ulaanbaatar to west

1-2 days
Eagle Festival
Golden Eagle Festival is a cultural event in Asia, particularly in Mongolia. It is a festival to demonstrate the culture of the Kazakhs to the world and promotes their heritage to their next generations. The October Golden Eagle Festival is the main festival, attracts large number of tourists and photographers. There is a limited capacity for domestic flights and local accommodation during the festival.
· On 17 and 18 September 2025
· On 20 and 21 September 2025
· On 4 and 5 October 2025
Location: 1600 km from Ulaanbaatar to west